Cash points

If you need cash then there is a post office on New Chester Road, please ask for directions.

Other local markets

We are pleased to link to local organizations supporting the production and sale of good quality food and drink!

West Kirby Farmers’ Market

WFM Background

Wirral Farmers’ Market is one of the country’s leading Farmers’ Markets

  • Established in 2000
  • Winner of many Awards including the BBC Food & Farming Farmers’ Market of the Year 2007
  • Over £54,000 invested in the local community
  • The cafe is run on a voluntary basis and all profits are given to a variety of charities


The market is run by a committee of volunteers, please contact the committee with any questions or for any publicity related questions:

Call us 0151 643 1393


For questions relating to the monthly set up of the market please call New Ferry Village Hall on 0151 643 1393


Please contact us if you would like any promotional information or would like to engage in promotion of local food and drink related issues. Please note we are politically neutral, if you wish to campaign on any particular issue please contact us before coming to the market.